Photo tips -
Selling nudes online is great fun with a quick turnaround! Whether you are wanting to sell custom pics or pre taken pics it is great fun & with no over heads!
I have some really great tips below for sellers to make buyers sexy photos really stand out and buyers will be so happy with them I'm sure!
There are four things you need first before you start snapping .....
1. A decent selfie stick - these are a god send! Practice using it first so you get a good feel.
2. Bluetooth remote for your phone.
3. Make sure you have a decent phone or camera to take your pictures with (do some research before you buy) a ring light is optional.
4. Get plenty of photo filter apps on your phone & have a play around with these, see which ones you like the best. Always water mark your pictures, you can add your name on your photos with an app called Phonto.
5. We recommend the best ways to share your photos with your buyer is via our private gallery option.
Natural light -
Natural lighting looks best when your taking photos, near a door, window or outside are all full of natural light. If you have to shoot indoors try taking pictures with and without the flash on your phone/camera to see what looks the best. If natural light is hard to get access to, I'd invest in a ring light.
Background -
Be mindful of your surroundings! Yes backgrounds are important! Toilets & messy floors are a big no no! That is all the buyer will look at. Ensure the area around you is tidy, if you have some plants or flowers put them in the shot, I've also see seller's use a white blanket that they sit on to take photos - this looks good as it's a nice clear background.
Also try to avoid any shadows!
Angles -
Have a play around and see what your best angles are "your best side" make sure you get all of the area in the photo that you are focusing on, pictures that have been cut off don't look right. Photos taken in the reflection of a mirrors can be difficult to pull off (don't forget to clean your mirror first! Yes that's right dirty mirrors are never a good look)
Selfies -
(If you show your face) A high angle pointing down looks good - keep you chin down and the camera up. You probably shouldn't stare directly into the camera lense, turn to the side a little bit - it looks more flattering! Have a natural smile too & smile like you mean it! Non of this duck lips/pout it just looks false.
Lots of shots -
Take a lot of photos so you have a selection to choose from, you can also take a mini clip and take out the best stills of your self!
Filter and crop -
Use your filter apps, obviously you don't want to add too much of a filter, maybe a soft glow.... I've also seen awful lot of sellers that don't crop photos and they have too much background or space around them, it's good to get all your selling in the picture - but you don't need the whole room in the photo as well!
Other tips -
Don't overthink it & relax, it's best to have the photos natural looking rather than stiff looking - pardon the pun!
The best poses are the ones that come naturally to you. Have your own style copying too much isn't advised.... It's best not to take photos of your reflection in the mirror (especially if the mirror is dirty!)
Fan signs -
EDUK fan signs are a good way to promote yourself, it's up to you if you charge or do them free. Always write clearly with a black pen and not lipstick writing! It will stand out more clearly on the photo.
Now get snapping!
Good luck!