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Article: Keep going (by Submissive Ellie)
Posted on 07 July 2021

My Blog. Keep going (by Submissive Ellie)

In this line of work, it can get hard and you feel like quitting at times. It is difficult to stay focused because this is an additional job on top of another job and it can get tiring.

You see sellers come and go, mainly go because most think this line of work is easy, well it is definitely not easy.

I am writing this blog to say you are not alone. I would like to share some tips with you about what to do when you feel like you can no longer keep going in this line of work.

(These have worked for me anyway)

1. Have regular screen breaks, time away from your phone, as phones can be addictive. Read a book or have a bath.

2. Have regular days off in the week or weekends off, make sure you have proper holidays. Have time off for you to rest.

3. Treat yourself, whether it's a little pampering, a nice takeaway or something you've seen online you'd like to buy yourself, you deserve it you work hard.

4. If you are feeling low talk about it. Talk to other sellers if you are feeling a dip or frustrated with it all. In my experience most sellers are approachable and friendly.

5. Only sell and do what you enjoy or comfortable doing, don't let anyone push you to do something you don't want to do.

It's important to enjoy what you do, but it is more important to take care of yourself.

Ellie X