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Article: Buying used panties
Posted on 23 June 2021

Buying used panties -

Once you've chosen your hot ED Emporium seller and you are placing an order their are a few things I've listed below that may help your experience go more smoothly -

1. Both of you need to age verify.
2. Confirm your order & delivery date with the seller (take a screenshot of the order)
3. Upgrade your order and pay extra for tracked delivery.
4. Make sure you pay before wear.

Sellers are mostly not divas, however their are a few basic sex worker manners that wouldn't go a miss when talking to a seller.

As the old saying goes "you get what you pay for" so please don't haggle on price or ask for free stuff (especially don't ask for live pictures of what they are doing now) this is probably the number one issue sellers face on a daily basis - the price is what it is & you need to pay for everything....

If anything you should pay more than the listed price! You'll never know what extras you will receive in return.

Always always read the sellers bio! Yes pictures talk and sellers may look sexy - but please read any bios and adverts listed this will cut out a lot of questions to the seller asking them what they offer (they get this a million times a day) Any of the top sellers should send you a "menu" if they don't just ask for one, this is a basic price list of what they offer.

If the seller doesn't offer something that you really want please don't push them and keep asking, this just causes upset with the seller. We have boundaries and our own limits.

Another thing that sellers aren't keen on is when a buyer is a bit too enthusiastic and needy lol! Like messaging lots without paying for an order first and asking things like:- are you there mistress, message me back mistress, what do you think mistress, what shall I do mistress, what would you do mistress, is it small mistress, I'm I loser mistress, do you think I'm a loser mistress.... Not all contact is a domination/humiliation exercise you need to pay for that! So it's best to discuss what you'd like and pay the seller for her time first.

Also it's nice to message the seller when you've received the goods and share photos if you can, it's nice to see buyer enjoy lovingly prepared items, if you are happy with the service please rate the seller too, we love that kind of stuff!

Apart from all of the above us sellers are all sweetness and light really lol! Promise! It's just about being respectful, friendly, having manners and paying for our time really - it is really that simple!

Good Luck!